Friday, May 29, 2009

i don't believe in karma

yeah fuck it. karma is bullshit. it's common knowledge amongst those close to me that sometimes i steal cheap things that no one will miss (not even that often! like once in a blue moon!) like stickers, magazine pages, doughnuts, etc.
i was at a gas station that had krispy kreme doughnuts, which i can't resist, so i grab one and when i look at the counter i see there is no one there. the only people there work at the mcdonald's that is also inside the gas station and they can't see me. the first thought in my cleptomaniac brain is "awesome. i am going to take this. for free." but then i started thinking.

you know that nagging voice in your head that butts in and stops you from having fun? what is it called? your conscience. a while ago danny told me stealing was bad karma and as i stood there doughnut in hand, preparing to make my hasty exit, i was reminded of his words. i decided to wait for the cashier to get back to purchase my doughnut. once the cashier got there i decided to buy a scratch off lottery ticket too to cash in on some of the karma credit i thought i had collected by not stealing. to be honest i wasn't really expecting much but i couldn't help feeling sort of excited as i sat in my car scratching my ticket expectantly. bagel. i didn't win anything.

i felt a little bit silly but i didn't make a big deal out of it. "okay," I thought, "karma doesn't work that way."

so i got out of my car to throw the ticket away and, as i made my way back to my car, i slipped in a puddle of oil left behind by another car, landing on my knee on the asphalt, ripping my jeans. when i looked at my knee i saw that i had scraped the skin off and it was bleeding. AND ON TOP OF THAT a guy in his car was laughing at me because i clearly looked like a total jackass.some might say it is childish of me to disavow karma based on an isolated incident. they can s on my d. i've seen too many bad things happen to good people while assholes run around getting what they want.

maybe i am overeacting! i don't know! all i know is my knee fucking hurts.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

will work for work

job hunting is the most annoying thing EVER. i feel like i've been searching for months! although, i think it's only been a little over a week. After applying at Barnes & Noble cafe, Yankee Candle, the Disney Store, Puffy Muffin, Stein Mart, Macy's, Target, and like five other places (even Talbots for god's sake!) i've only managed to get two interviews! By the way Yankee Candle Co can go suck a bag of dicks! i don't want to sell their overpriced wax turds anyway. and you know what else Yankee? i LIED about your store smelling nice! i actually think it smells like vomit and potpourri casserole! so fuck you! you've made a new enemy.

this whole job quest has disturbed me quite a bit. since i'm in college and supported by my family, for the time being, me not having a job isn't that big of a deal. what happens after? if my current state of frenzy is any indication of the future then i'm screwed. i might as well start picking out a box to live in because GOD DAMNIT if i'm going to be a homeless person then i want the fanciest box in the shanty town.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

establishing an online presence

god i am incredibly bored. that's my face up there. i think it's a little too big. let's see how this thing works out.