Tuesday, November 3, 2009

twitter isn't that great

okay, i won't lie. i have a twitter. and i use it. often.
but i have to say that i am sick of all the hype. as a journalism major, i spend no less than 12 hours a week hearing about it and discussing it in class. I GET IT! twitter is the new frontier, social networking is important, blah blah blah blah blah...

here's what i get from twitter: dinosaurtitties is taking a poop in the clarence brown theatre right now. how newsworthy.

i have yet to meet one person who uses twitter for anything other than random thoughts.

sure i can follow news organizations and celebrities but twitter isn't the only medium for doing that. when it comes to news, i have a million websites to choose from and celebrities are all over tv and magazines.

as of right now, i don't see twitter as anything more than a fad; another myspace, xanga, facebook, livejournal, etc type thing that will only be a big deal until we get bored of it.

p.s. this is my class assignment...


  1. i only have twitter so i can read what tina, tara, danny, colbert, and michael ian black write because those are the funniest people on the planet

  2. we both resurrected our blogs on the same day, what a coincidence!

    and I personally have a problem with twitter, mainly because I've got a problem with wordiness. I regularly exceed the limit on my facebook status and frequently have to send multiple texts, so the narrow twitter limit is basically out of the picture.

  3. Yeah! Fuck twitter!
