Saturday, June 27, 2009

i've got something to say

i have a lot of stuff going through my brain right now. here are the highlights.

on Obama's position on Iran:
can i get a "hell yeah"? finally, a president who understands that the US doesn't need to stick its nose in everything! interfering in Iran would be a huge mistake. the clerics will look for any excuse to throw the blame on someone else. it needs to be abundantly clear that they are the problem, not western influence.

but of course, there are politicians and pundits out there who are blasting the president for not taking action, most notably John McCain. these people clearly have no idea what they're talking about. they could care less about Iran! at this point, John McCain and his posse just wait for the president to say something so they can say the opposite. they are so self absorbed that they don't seem to understand that Iran's revolution actually doesn't have anything to do with them. why should anyone listen to John McCain anyway? remember this: Bomb bomb bomb, bomb bomb Iran?
Obama did finally cave into the pressure, though. speaking out, he condemned the actions of the Iranian government. and guess what happened? Ahmadinejad immediately called him a meddler and compared him to Bush. didn't see that one coming...oh wait, yes i did. i'm actually okay with it, though. the important thing is that he stands by his decision to not intervene.

it's hard to turn a blind eye on the awful things happening in Iran right now. the videos posted by brave Iranians show their awful treatment at the hands of the Basij; mysterious burning liquids are being poured out of helicopters, people are being beaten, killed, and refused funerals. they aren't even safe in the hospitals. i'm absolutely disgusted by the governments actions. They are constantly twisting stories in an attempt to manipulate the people and cover their own asses. they even try to blame the victims of violence for their own murders! in order to stop Neda, a young girl who was killed early on, from becoming a martyr they claimed that she was shot on accident because they had information that she was or was aiding a terrorist! people didn't buy that load of bullshit so now she has become a symbol for the protesters.

i think if there is going to be interference in Iran, it needs to come from the world, not one country. i don't understand why America considers itself the moral leader of the world. it's an arrogant assumption to make and i'm sure other countries don't appreciate that. what's the UN for anyway?

RIP Michael Jackson
his death still hasn't sunk in, yet. it's just really wierd. i was SO obsessed with MJ as a kid, but then again who wasn't? michael was a total badass.
if you didn't think this was cool when you were little, you're lying
the first thing my brain did upon hearing the news was to immediately reject it. i wanted to believe that it was a publicity stunt. even now that it's been confirmed, his death is hard to accept. i feel like i should have expected it, though. throughout history, legendary talents have died too soon.

in other news...i have a huge boner for my car.
the batmobile is back. since i made my car look like crap with my terrible driving and the insurance offers accident forgiveness, we finally got it fixed. it looks unbelievable! in honor of my car's rebirth i'm rechristening it the starship batmobile.

artist's rendering of my car...jealous?

"forgive your enemies, but never forget their names." --JFK
i've been collecting a lot of enemies lately. here's a list of people who need to watch their back, even though i don't actually have the balls to do anything...
Tina's Shit List:
Alyssa Roe--my first enemy from kindergarten. i haven't forgotten you, bitch.
the Supreme Leader
Stephenie Meyer
Brentwood Library
Fox News
Yankee Candle Co
Diet Tina
Geo Metro Drivers

there will definitely be more to come. i'll keep you posted. also, if anyone actually reads this stupid thing, who's your worst enemy? just curious.

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